**Traité sur le Hijab de la Musulmane** **Sourate Al-Ahzab 33:33** : "Et …
**穆斯林女性头巾论** **《古兰经》33:33**: “你们当在家中居住,不要像昔日无知时代那样露出容貌,要谨守祷告,施行天课,服从真主和祂的使者。真主…
**Treatise on the Muslimah Hijab** **Sura Al-Ahzab 33:33**: "And stay in …
S U R A T A L - A H Z A B 33:33. dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumahmu dan janga…
Assalamualaikum! Ingatlah tiada yang berhak disembah selain Alloh, none has the right to be worshipped but Alloh!
Assalamualaikum! Ingatlah tiada yang berhak disembah selain Alloh, none has the right to be worshipped but Alloh!
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Take me backAssalamualaikum! Ingatlah tiada yang berhak disembah selain Alloh, none has the right to be worshipped but Alloh!
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