
Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him, d. 93 AH)

بسم الله الرحمٰÙ† الرحيم

**Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him, d. 93 AH)**

**Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (may Allah have mercy on him) stated:**

Anas bin Malik bin Nadhar bin Dhomdhom bin Zaid bin Harom bin Jundub bin Amir bin Ghonam bin Adi bin an-Najjar al-Ansari, known as Abu Hamzah, was the servant of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and resided in Basra.

Az-Zuhri narrated from Anas that he said, “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) arrived in Madinah when I was ten years old, and my mother encouraged me to serve him.” Ja'far bin Sulaiman ad-Dabi narrated from Thabit from Anas that Umm Sulaim brought him to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when he was still a child and said, “O Messenger of Allah, this is Anas; please pray for him.” So, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prayed, “O Allah, increase his wealth and offspring and admit him into Paradise.” Anas said, “I have witnessed two of these prayers being fulfilled, and I hope the third will also come true.”

Umar bin Shabbah an-Numairi narrated from Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Ansari from his father, from Thumamah bin Anas, that when Anas was asked, “Did you attend the Battle of Badr?” he replied, “How could I be absent from Badr?” Ibn Sa’d also narrated from al-Ansari, who said his father heard from a servant of Anas bin Malik that he asked Anas, “Did you attend Badr?” Anas replied, “How could I be absent from Badr?” However, this chain of narration is considered more authentic even though the servant is unknown, and none of the historical scholars of battles mentioned Anas as among those who attended Badr.

Ayyub narrated from Abu Qilabah from Anas that he said, “I witnessed with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Umrah, Hajj, the Conquest of Makkah, the Battle of Hunain, and the siege of Ta'if.” Ali bin al-Ja'd narrated from Shu'bah from Thabit that Abu Hurayrah said, “I have never seen anyone whose prayer resembled that of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) more than Umm Sulaim's son (i.e., Anas).”

Ja'far narrated from Thabit that he said, “I was with Anas when his land’s caretaker came and said, ‘O Abu Hamzah, our land has dried up.’ So Anas stood up, performed ablution, went out to the open area, prayed two units, and made supplication. I saw clouds gather, then rain fell, soaking everything. When the rain stopped, Anas sent a family member to check how far the rain had reached, and it was found that only his land had been watered, despite it being summer.”

Al-Ansari narrated from Ibn Awn from Musa bin Anas that when Abu Bakr became caliph, he sent a message to Anas bin Malik to go to Bahrain for a certain task. Umar then arrived, and Abu Bakr said, “I wish to send this young man to Bahrain for a task.” Umar said, “Send him, for he is intelligent and a scribe.” So Abu Bakr dispatched him.

Ali bin Al-Madini said, “Anas was the last companion of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) who remained in Basra.” Al-Ansari stated that Anas passed away at the age of 107 years. Wahb bin Jarir reported from his father that Anas died in the year 95 AH, and the same was said by Shu'aib bin al-Habhab. Hammam reported from Qatadah that it was in the year 91 AH, while Ma'n bin Isa, from some of Anas's descendants, mentioned 92 AH. Ibn 'Ulayyah, Abu Nu'aim, Khalifah, and others said he died in 93 AH.

Al-Bukhari, in *at-Tarikh al-Kabir*, narrated from Nushr bin Ali who heard from Nuh bin Qais, from Khalid bin Qais, from Qatadah, that when Anas bin Malik died, Muwarriq said, "Half of the knowledge has been lost today." Someone asked, “Why so?” He replied, “Because when a person of desires argued with us over a hadith, we would say: let us go to the one who heard it directly from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).”

I (Ibn Hajar) said: Regarding al-Ansari's statement that Anas lived to be 107 years old, it needs review, given that he was around ten years old when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) arrived in Madinah and he passed away in 93 AH. His age was likely around 103 years. This is also confirmed by Khalifah bin Khayyat in his book, which states that Anas passed away in 93 AH at the age of 103. More extraordinary is the statement of al-Waqidi, who claimed Anas died in 92 AH at the age of 99, as reported by Mu’tamir from Humayd, except that he asserts Anas died in 91 AH, and this is similar. Khalifah’s view is more accurate.

Al-Hudhai in *Rijal al-Muwatta'* mentioned that Anas had the title Abu al-Nadhr.

He narrated from (his teachers): the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Abdullah bin Rawaha, Fatimah az-Zahra, Thabit bin Qais bin Shamas, Abdurrahman bin Auf, Ibn Mas'ud, Malik bin Sha'sha'a, Abu Dharr, Ubay bin Ka'ab, Abu Talhah, Mu'adh bin Jabal, Ubadah bin as-Samit, as well as from his mother, Umm Sulaim, his aunt, Umm Haram, Umm al-Fadl, the wife of Abbas, and many others.

From him, it was narrated by (his students): al-Hasan, Sulaiman at-Taymi, Abu Qilabah, Abu Mijlaz, Abdul Aziz bin Suhaib, Ishaq bin Abu Talha, Abu Bakr bin Abdullah al-Muzani, Qatadah, Thabit al-Bunani, Humayd at-Tawil, his grandson, Thumamah, al-Ja’d, Abu Uthman, Muhammad bin Sirin, Anas bin Sirin, Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hanif, Ibrahim bin Maysarah, Buraid bin Abi Maryam, Bayan bin Bishr, Az-Zuhri, Rabi'ah bin Abi Abdirrahman, Yahya bin Sa'id al-Ansari, Sa'id bin Jubayr, Salamah bin Wardan, and many others from various regions.

📚 *(Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib: 1/376-379)*

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**Anas bin Malik (que Allah esteja satisfeito com ele, falecido em 93 AH)**

**Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (que Allah tenha misericórdia dele) declarou:**

Anas bin Malik bin Nadhar bin Dhomdhom bin Zaid bin Harom bin Jundub bin Amir bin Ghonam bin Adi bin an-Najjar al-Ansari, conhecido como Abu Hamzah, foi o servo do Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) e residiu em Basra.

Az-Zuhri narrou de Anas que ele disse: “O Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) chegou a Medina quando eu tinha dez anos, e minha mãe me encorajou a servi-lo.” Ja'far bin Sulaiman ad-Dabi narrou de Thabit de Anas que Umm Sulaim o levou ao Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) quando ele ainda era uma criança e disse: “Ó Mensageiro de Allah, este é Anas; ore por ele.” Então o Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) orou: “Ó Allah, aumente sua riqueza e descendência e conceda-lhe o Paraíso.” Anas disse: “Vi duas dessas orações serem atendidas, e espero que a terceira também se realize.”

Umar bin Shabbah an-Numairi narrou de Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Ansari de seu pai, de Thumamah bin Anas, que quando perguntaram a Anas: “Você participou da Batalha de Badr?” ele respondeu: “Como eu poderia estar ausente de Badr?” Ibn Sa’d também narrou de al-Ansari, que disse que seu pai ouviu de um servo de Anas bin Malik que perguntou a Anas: “Você esteve em Badr?” Anas respondeu: “Como eu poderia estar ausente de Badr?” Contudo, essa cadeia de transmissão é considerada mais autêntica, embora o servo seja desconhecido, e nenhum dos estudiosos históricos mencionou Anas como presente em Badr.

Ayyub narrou de Abu Qilabah de Anas que ele disse: “Eu testemunhei com o Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele): o Tratado de Hudaybiyyah, a Umrah, o Hajj, a Conquista de Meca, a Batalha de Hunain e o cerco de Ta’if.” Ali bin al-Ja'd narrou de Shu'bah de Thabit que Abu Hurayrah disse: “Nunca vi ninguém cuja oração se assemelhasse mais à do Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) do que o filho de Umm Sulaim (ou seja, Anas).”

Ja'far narrou de Thabit que ele disse: “Eu estava com Anas quando seu administrador de terras chegou e disse: ‘Ó Abu Hamzah, nossa terra secou.’ Então Anas se levantou, fez ablução, foi ao campo aberto, orou duas unidades e fez uma súplica. Vi nuvens se juntarem, e então a chuva caiu, molhando tudo. Quando a chuva parou, Anas enviou um de seus familiares para ver até onde a chuva havia chegado, e descobriu que apenas sua terra havia sido molhada, embora fosse verão.”

Al-Ansari narrou de Ibn Awn de Musa bin Anas que quando Abu Bakr se tornou califa, ele enviou uma mensagem a Anas bin Malik para ir ao Bahrein para uma tarefa. Umar chegou, e Abu Bakr disse: “Quero enviar este jovem ao Bahrein para uma tarefa.” Umar disse: “Envie-o, pois ele é inteligente e um escriba.” Assim, Abu Bakr o enviou.

Ali bin Al-Madini disse: “Anas foi o último companheiro do Mensageiro de Allah (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) a permanecer em Basra.” Al-Ansari afirmou que Anas faleceu aos 107 anos de idade. Wahb bin Jarir relatou de seu pai que Anas morreu no ano 95 AH, o mesmo foi dito por Shu'aib bin al-Habhab. Hammam relatou de Qatadah que foi no ano 91 AH, enquanto Ma’n bin Isa, de alguns descendentes de Anas, mencionou o ano 92 AH. Ibn 'Ulayyah, Abu Nu'aim, Khalifah e outros disseram que ele faleceu no ano 93 AH.

Al-Bukhari, em *at-Tarikh al-Kabir*, narrou de Nushr bin Ali que ouviu de Nuh bin Qais, de Khalid bin Qais, de Qatadah, que quando Anas bin Malik faleceu, Muwarriq disse: “Metade do conhecimento se perdeu hoje.” Alguém perguntou: “Por que?” Ele respondeu: “Porque, quando alguém com desejos argumentava conosco sobre um hadith, dizíamos: vamos até quem o ouviu diretamente do Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele).”

Eu (Ibn Hajar) disse: Sobre a afirmação de al-Ansari de que Anas viveu até os 107 anos, isso precisa ser revisto, dado que ele tinha cerca de dez anos quando o Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele) chegou a Medina e ele faleceu no ano 93 AH. Sua idade provavelmente era em torno de 103 anos. Isso também é confirmado por Khalifah bin Khayyat em seu livro, que afirma que Anas faleceu no ano 93 AH com 103 anos de idade. Mais extraordinária é a afirmação de al-Waqidi, que afirmou que Anas morreu no ano 92 AH com 99 anos, conforme relatado por Mu'tamir de Humayd, exceto que ele afirma que Anas morreu no ano 91 AH, e isso é semelhante. A visão de Khalifah é mais precisa.

Al-Hudhai em *Rijal al-Muwatta'* mencionou que Anas tinha o título de Abu al-Nadhr.

Ele narrou de (seus mestres): o Profeta (que a paz e as bênçãos estejam com ele), Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Abdullah bin Rawaha, Fatimah az-Zahra, Thabit bin Qais bin Shamas, Abdurrahman bin Auf, Ibn Mas'ud, Malik bin Sha’sha’a, Abu Dharr, Ubay bin Ka’ab, Abu Talha, Mu’adh bin Jabal, Ubadah bin as-Samit, além de sua mãe, Umm Sulaim, sua tia, Umm Haram, Umm al-Fadl, esposa de Abbas, e muitos outros.

Dele, foi narrado por (seus alunos): al-Hasan, Sulaiman at-Taymi, Abu Qilabah, Abu Mijlaz, Abdul Aziz bin Suhaib, Ishaq bin Abu Talha, Abu Bakr bin Abdullah al-Muzani, Qatadah, Thabit al-Bunani, Humayd at-Tawil, seu neto, Thumamah, al-Ja’d, Abu Uthman, Muhammad bin Sirin, Anas bin Sirin, Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hanif, Ibrahim bin Maysarah, Buraid bin Abi Maryam, Bayan bin Bishr, Az-Zuhri, Rabi’ah bin Abi Abdirrahman, Yahya bin Sa’id al-Ansari, Sa’id bin Jubair, Salamah bin Wardan, e muitos outros de várias regiões.

📚 *(Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib: 1/376-379)*

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