

 Continued from part 1

### Third Point

Assume that the fatwas brought by your scholars mean the permissibility of the TN girls' dormitory, and that is the scholars' ijtihad according to your understanding.

It should be noted that the TN girls' dormitory:

**Is a new matter that was not known in the time of the Prophet, nor in the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, nor in the time of the Companions.**

This new matter is not recognized in the era of the Prophet, the Rightly Guided Caliphs, or the era of the Companions. And this is judged by our shaykhs, the TN girls' dormitory, as a matter of bid'ah (innovation) and munkar (evil).

**You must follow the salaf. If the matter of the TN dormitory exists with the salaf, then it is good, and if it does not exist with the salaf, then it is evil.**

Among the greatest principles of the manhaj salaf is to stand upon the Book and the Sunnah according to the understanding of the salaf ummah, and not to attach the truth to the person of a scholar who speaks.

**And whoever opposes the Messenger after guidance has become clear to him and follows a path other than that of the believers, We will let him have what he has chosen and drive him into Hell, an evil destination.** (Surah An-Nisa 115).

**So let the believer who seeks advice for himself be cautious that he is not among the people of this verse while thinking he is among the guided ones.**

📚 See "Tahdzir 'Aqil An-Nabil mimma Lifiqhi al-Mubihun lit-Tamtsil"

🖋️ Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

**Whoever builds his speech in knowledge, fundamentals, and branches upon the Book, the Sunnah, and the transmitted reports from the predecessors has indeed followed the path of prophethood.**

📚 Majmu' Fatawa 10/363.

🖋️ Imam Ibnul Qudamah Al-Maqdisi said:

**Whoever follows an imam in this world in a sunnah or an innovation, in good or in evil, will be with him in the Hereafter. So whoever loves to be with the salaf in the Hereafter and to be promised what they were promised of the gardens and pleasure, let him follow them with excellence.**

**And whoever follows a path other than theirs enters into the generality of the saying of Allah:**

**And whoever opposes the Messenger after guidance has become clear to him and follows a path other than that of the believers, We will let him have what he has chosen and drive him into Hell, an evil destination.** (Surah An-Nisa 115).

📚 Dzammu Ta'wil, page 9.

**Therefore, it becomes clear to us: whoever intentionally opposes the salaf will not attain the truth and deviates from the straight path.**

**I advise you to follow the way of the salaf, for Allah has praised the Muhajirin and the Ansar among the Companions, and praised those who follow them with excellence.**

**The fatwa of the scholars that they brought, if indeed it means the permissibility of the TN girls' dormitory, then this contradicts the word of Allah and the hadiths about how the women of the Companions sought knowledge (as has been explained), and contradicts the consensus of the Companions (as has been mentioned in our article).**

**And scholars are not infallible (they are not free from mistakes and sins).**

**If they say to us, is it possible that the scholars did not know these verses and hadiths, and the consensus (which contradicts the fatwa of the scholars on the permissibility of the TN girls' dormitory), or will they accuse us: that we understand the evidence better than the scholars???**

We say to them:

**This is clearly blind imitation, and the result of idolizing someone considered a scholar.**

🖋️ Al-Allamah Al-Muhaddith Al-Mu'allimi said:

**Most people are infatuated with blindly following those they greatly respect, to the point that if it is said to them: "He is not infallible and the evidence stands against his opinion in such and such a matter, indicating that he has made a mistake, and it is not permissible for you to follow him in his mistake," they respond: "He knows the evidence better than you do, and you are more likely to be mistaken than he is. It appears that he has understood what refutes your evidence."**

📚 At-Tankil 1/11

**O readers, may Allah bless you:**

**And do not be fanatical about the fatwas of scholars that are merely the result of their thoughts and opinions without supported evidence, as this is a great disaster.**

🖋️ Imam Asy-Syaukani said:

**Be fair, do not be fanatical about anything in this Shariah, for it is Allah's trust with you and His trust with you. Do not betray it and destroy its blessings by being fanatical towards a scholar of Islam, making his opinions and ijtihad binding upon you and all people.**

📚 Adabu ath-Talab wa Muntahi al-Arab

#### Fourth Point:

Defenders of the TN girls' dormitory persist in justifying and defending the errors of those they follow or admire, under the banner of "ijtihad ulama" (scholarly reasoning).

The way of the partisans (hizbiyyin) is to follow their desires, even after the Shariah has become clear to them (including matters related to TN/tarbiyatun nisa). They deliberately contradict the truth and then hide behind the pretext:

- "This is a matter of ijtihad where scholars have differed. There should be no condemnation in issues of ijtihad and differences."

- "Scholars have differed on this matter, so this person should not be condemned by that person. This is the ijtihad of Sheikh so-and-so."

This is a false principle.

Sheikh Ahmad An-Najmi, may Allah have mercy on him, has refuted the above arguments of the partisans.

📚 Refer to *Al-Fatawa al-Jaliyyah* 2/240-241.

🖋️ Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"Their statement that there is no condemnation in matters of disagreement is not correct. Condemnation can be directed either to the statement of the ruling or the action. If the statement opposes a Sunnah or a well-established consensus, it must be condemned unanimously. If not, it should be condemned by pointing out its weakness to those who believe there is only one correct opinion, which is the view of the majority of the Salaf and scholars. As for actions, if they oppose the Sunnah or a consensus, they must be condemned to the appropriate degree. But if there is no Sunnah or consensus on the matter, and there is room for ijtihad, then the one who acts upon it should not be condemned, whether they are doing so by ijtihad or imitation."

📚 *Fatawa Al-Kubra* 6/92.

#### Fifth Point:

They argue based on the differences among scholars to justify their stance on permitting the TN girls' dormitory, even though they know this opinion is weak and contradicts strong evidence and arguments.

Be aware that differences of opinion among scholars are not valid evidence to justify holding a weak opinion that contradicts existing evidence.

We should always seek out the evidence when there is a disagreement, rather than using the fact that there is a disagreement as an argument, saying, "We have a fatwa from scholars."

Consider the story of a man from Syria who asked Abdullah bin Umar about performing hajj tamattu’ by doing 'umrah first and then hajj.

👉🏻 Abdullah bin Umar said: "It is halal."

The man said: "Your father (Umar bin Khattab) has forbidden it."

👉🏻 Abdullah bin Umar replied: "What is your opinion if my father forbade it, but the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) did it? Should we follow my father's command or the command of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)?"

The man replied: "Of course, the command of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)."

👉🏻 Ibn Umar said: "Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) performed it."

📚 Narrated by Imam At-Tirmidhi.

Look at the stance of Umar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, when his statement contradicts that of the Messenger of Allah? 

Allah has clearly explained the obligation for women to stay in their homes, and there are several hadiths indicating that the female companions remained in their homes after acquiring knowledge from the Messenger of Allah and Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her. Yet you only present fatwas from scholars that permit women to stay in the TN girls' dormitory for the sake of acquiring knowledge.

The residence of women in the TN girls' dormitory:

- This negates Allah's command for women to stay in their homes.

- This negates the preservation of a woman's chastity and honor, which might be compromised in the dormitory.

- This contradicts the practice of the early generations (Salaf of the Ummah).

🖊 Al-Khottaby, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"Differences of opinion are not a proof, but the explanation of the Sunnah is a proof over those who differ from the early and later generations."

📚 *A'laamu al-Hadith* 3/2092.

🖊 Imam Asy-Syatibi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"Sometimes a fatwa is issued prohibiting something, and it is said: 'Why do you prohibit it; it is a matter of disagreement?' Thus, disagreement is used as a proof for permissibility merely because the issue is disagreed upon, not because of any evidence indicating the correctness of the permissible view, nor due to following someone more deserving of imitation than the one who prohibited it. This is a mistake in Shariah from several perspectives: using something unreliable as a basis, and using something that is not a proof as a proof."

📚 *Al-Muwaafaqaat* 4/141.

🖊 Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"No one is allowed to use the opinion of another person as a proof in disputed matters. The proof is only in the text, consensus, and derived evidence established by the Shariah. The statements of scholars are used as evidence for the Shariah, not as evidence against it."

📚 *Majmu' al-Fatawa* 26/202-203.

Those who merely claim that they also have a fatwa from scholars permitting the TN girls' dormitory, do so because they lack knowledge of its innovation and lack evidence to support their view.

🖊 Ibn Abdil-Barr, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"Differences of opinion are not a proof according to any scholar of the Ummah I know, except for those who lack knowledge and understanding, and whose opinion is not considered as evidence."

📚 *Jaami’ul-Bayaan*, p. 922.

In conclusion, when there is a difference of opinion among scholars, do not assume that this is merely a disputed issue where everyone should respect each other's views and that the opinion you hold is supported by a scholar. Instead, we should strive to examine the evidence used by other scholars and determine which is stronger, rather than following what aligns with our desires.

And do not follow the steps of the Muslim Brotherhood: 

When you tell them, "This is halal and this is haram," and establish proof against them, what do they do?

They evade the answer and say:

"Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has given a fatwa in his book *Al-Halal wal-Haram*, and Sayyid Qutub has said in *Zilal al-Qur'an*...”

Is it permissible to oppose evidence with the opinions of these people?

📚 *Al-Makhraj minal Fitan* p. 153.

### Sixth point:

If the defenders of TN (Tarbiyatun Nisa) continue to interpret the meaning of:

فى بيوتكن

"In your houses"

as allowing TN boarding houses for girls, they are engaging in the distortion of evidence.

Be cautious, dear readers (may Allah bless you), not to follow the path of the people of falsehood.

**وذهبتم كما ذهب كل مبطل الى تحريف بعض النصوص القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية عن معانيها الصواب لنصرة مذهبكم**

And you adhere to the method of every false person who distorts some of the Quranic texts and prophetic traditions from their correct meanings to support your doctrine.

🖋️ Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said when explaining the causes of disagreements:

**وأن من أعظم اسبابه البدع الباطلة التى دعت اهلها الى ان حرفوا الكلم عن مواضعه، وفسروا كلام الله ورسوله بغير ما اريد به، وتأولوه على غير تاويله**

"One of the greatest causes of disagreements is false innovations that lead their adherents to distort the words from their proper places, interpreting the words of Allah and His Messenger in ways other than what was intended, and misinterpreting them beyond their proper interpretation."

📚 Majmu Fatawa 13/362.

They must not twist the evidence, diverting it from its true meaning, for the sake of defending someone. This is not the way of Ahlus Sunnah, but the practice of the Jews and Christians, and those similar to them, like the Jamaat Tabligh, who manipulate and distort the evidence.

📚 Refer to Al-Qaulul Al-Baligh, verses 119-123.

Allah has said about them:

**لَيًّۢا بِأَلْسِنَتِهِمْ وَطَعْنًا فِى ٱلدِّينِ**

"... twisting their tongues and slandering the religion..." (Surah An-Nisa 4:46)

And also Allah said:

**وَإِنْ تَلْوُوا أَوْ تُعْرِضُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرًا**

"And if you distort (words) or refuse (to do justice), then indeed Allah is well-acquainted with what you do." (Surah An-Nisa 4:135)

They have followed a reprehensible path by establishing TN boarding houses for girls, for which there is no precedent among the Salaf, and which is indeed a matter of innovation. They then believe that this is the right path and seek evidence to justify it.

What do they do?

**فيلووا الآيات والآحاديث ويطرؤونها لتكون دليلا لهم على معتقدهم**

"They twist the verses and hadiths and place them as evidence for their beliefs."

**▪️وإذا عجزوا عن رد ما لا يوافق اهواءهم من الأية نفوه عوجا بالتويلات المستنكرة التى هى تحريف له عن مواضعه.**

"And if they are unable to refute what contradicts their desires from the verse, they negate it with reprehensible interpretations that distort it from its rightful place."

📚 Refer to Mukhtashar Ash-Shawa'iq, p. 604, Tadhkirat al-Mu'tasi Sharh Aqeedah Al-Hafidh Abdul Ghani Al-Maqdasi 1/359-361.

🖋️ Shaykh al-Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

**"Sebab takwil (penafsiran) yang keliru adalah apa yang kebanyakan manusia bersifat dengannya, yaitu dia meyakini sesuatu, kemudian mencari dalil, dan jika seseorang meyakini sesuatu, baru kemudian mencari dalil, maka keyakinannya tersebut akan mendorongnya atas perubahan makna dari suatu perkataan."**

"The reason for erroneous interpretations is what many people possess, which is believing something first, then seeking evidence. If someone believes in something first and then seeks evidence, their belief will push them to distort the meaning of a statement."

📚 At-Ta'liq 'Ala As-Siyasah Ash-Shar'iyyah, p. 223.

So, there is no need to deviate from the true meaning by distorting the meaning of Allah's statement:

**وقرن فى بيوتكن**

"Stay in your houses"

to mean: TN boarding houses for girls.

**فعلينا أن يكون جميع أحوالنا متبعا للدليل، لا العكس بأن ننزلوا الأدلة على رغباتنا**

"It is obligatory upon us that all our conditions follow the evidence, not the other way around, by placing the evidence according to our desires."

### Seventh Point:

We are not the ones causing strife, but they are the ones causing strife with the existence of TN boarding houses for girls.

And indeed, the steps they take by maintaining the existence of TN boarding houses without heeding the advice of the scholars to close and disband them, thus causing strife, are indeed the steps of Hizbiyyah that they follow.

🖋️ Our Shaykh, the Allamah Al-Muhaddith Yahya al-Hajuri, when explaining the actions of the followers of Al-Mar’i Hizbi, said:

**توسعة دائرة الخلاف بين اهل السنة**

"Expanding the circle of disagreement among Ahlus Sunnah."

📚 At-Tanbihat Al-Mufidah, p. 3.

🖋️ Our Shaykh Abdul Ghani Al-Umari (may Allah preserve him) in an audio recording said:

**الأن الدعوة فى اندونيسا ستتمزق وتتفرق وسببها هذا المعهد للنسوان....مشكلة.**

"Now, the da'wah in Indonesia will be torn apart and divided, and the cause is this TN boarding house... it is a problem."

📚 End of quote.

🖊 Our Shaykh Hasan Bin Qasim Ar-Ruamyi (may Allah preserve him) said:

**فالواجب تركها حفاظا على الدعوة وعلى الإخوة واغلاقا لباب الفرقة والإختلاف**

"It is obligatory to abandon it to preserve the da'wah and brotherhood, and to close the door of division and disagreement."

📚 His last letter about TN.

O readers;

Why do they not want to listen to the advice of the scholars?

And they instead strive to disparage us for speaking about TN as a fitnah, what is their intention?

**لينفر الناس منا ومن دعوتنا الى الحق**

"So that people would turn away from us and our call to the truth."

🚫 Without realizing it, they are following the path of the people of falsehood, believing that refuting those who deviate from the truth is a cause of fitnah.

🖋️ Imam Ibnul Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

**"ومن صفاتهم ...فيرمونهم إذا أمروا بالمعروف ونهوا عن المنكر ودعوا الى الله ورسوله بأنهم أهل الفتن مفسدون فى الأرض، وقد علم الله ورسوله والمؤمنون بأنهم أهل الفتن المفسدون فى الأرض"**

"Among their traits... they accuse those who enjoin good and forbid evil and call to Allah and His Messenger of being people of fitnah, corrupters on earth. Yet Allah, His Messenger, and the believers know that they are the ones who are the true instigators of fitnah and corruption on earth."

📚 Thariqul Hijratain, p. 499-504.

And those who refute or oppose TN are labeled as Thurabbiyyun (followers of Abu Turab, who was the first to expose the deviance of TN).

This is similar to what was done by those envious of Imam Abdul Ghani Al-Maqdasi and his companions. They said:

**"هؤلاء ء الحنابلة قصدهم الفتنة"**

"These are Hanbalis, their intention is to cause fitnah."

📚 Syiar A'lam An-Nubala, 21/455.

If there are many followers of the Hanbali school in a place, the people of innovation cannot do anything.

🖊 Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

**"يصعب على المبتدع أن يعيش في مكان يكثر فيه الحنابلة"**

"It is difficult for an innovator to live in a place where there are many followers of the Hanbali school (Hanabilah)."

📚 Bidayah wan-Nihayah, 14/50

🖊 Shaykh Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

**"أنني توخيت بذلك أن أكون عونا لطلاب العلم والفقه عامة والحنابلة منهم خاصة الذين هم - فيما علمت - أقرب الناس إلى السنة"**

"I aimed with this to assist the students of knowledge and fiqh in general, and the followers of Ahmad bin Hanbal (Hanabilah) in particular, who are, as I know, the closest people to the Sunnah."

📚 Irwa'ul-Ghalil, 1/9

O defenders of TN, we advise the Ummah in order to clarify the truth, not as preachers of fitnah, nor followers of a particular person, but followers of the truth.

🖋️ Shaykh Al-Allamah Ahmad An-Najmi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

**"ولا شك ان الذي ينبه الناس على الشر قبل وقوعه هذا ناصح لا داعية فتنة، وأن الذي يقول هذا الكلام وقد قلب الحقيقة

.....إذأ التنبيه على الشر قبل وقوعه من أجل الحذر منه، هذا لا يعد فتنة"**

"Without a doubt, the one who warns people of evil before it occurs is a sincere advisor, not an instigator of fitnah. And whoever says this has indeed turned the truth upside down... warning against evil before it happens for the sake of caution is not considered fitnah."

📚 Al-Fatawa Al-Jaliyyah, p. 39

نسأل الله السلامة والعافية

We ask Allah for safety and well-being.

✍🏻 Prepared by:

Abu Hanan As-Suhaily

28 Muharram 1443 - 6/9/2021

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