The Ruling on Latecomers (Masbuk) Taking a Few Steps During Prayer to Find or Approach a Sutrah After the Imam Concludes with Salam

**The Ruling on Latecomers (Masbuk) Taking a Few Steps During Prayer to Find or Approach a Sutrah After the Imam Concludes with Salam**

Representing a question from a friend, is it permissible or is there a hadith that supports walking to follow the sutrah? I often see people walking towards the sutrah when the imam finishes the prayer. Jazakallah khairan.

There are two opinions on this issue:

**1️⃣ The first opinion is:**

It is no longer necessary to seek a sutrah.

🖋️ Shaykh Al-Allamah Al-Faqih Al-‘Utsaimin (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

"When the imam concludes with salam, the follower becomes an individual, and the imam's sutrah is no longer valid for him. The imam himself is no longer an imam, as he has left his position. 

However, should the follower seek a sutrah if he stands to complete what he missed in the prayer? 

What appears to me is that it is not prescribed to seek a sutrah. The Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who missed part of the prayer would complete their prayer without taking or seeking a sutrah.

If we were to say that seeking a sutrah is recommended or obligatory according to those who see it as obligatory, then generally, it would require steps and movement, which we cannot allow except with clear evidence. 

Therefore, it seems that the follower is told that the sutrah ended with the imam, and you no longer need to seek a sutrah because there is no evidence for seeking a sutrah in the middle of the prayer. The evidence is for seeking a sutrah before starting the prayer.”

📚Liqa Babil Maftuh, Tape No. 155, Fatwa No. 16

🖋️ Shaykh Al-Allamah Bin Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

I see some young men, when the imam concludes with salam, still have a few rak’ahs to complete, so they take a few steps forward to prevent people from passing in front of them. Is this action correct, and does this movement invalidate the prayer?

He answered: 

“It does not harm or invalidate the prayer, insha’Allah. Taking a few steps so that people can pass behind him does not harm the prayer, insha’Allah. If there are rak’ahs remaining, then he completes them.

However, if he stays in his place and prays there, alhamdulillah, this is better than moving forward (for the purpose of approaching or seeking a sutrah).”

Fatwa Nur 'Ala Darb

**2️⃣ The second opinion:**

Step forward or seek a sutrah if it is close by for the benefit of the prayer.

🖋️ Shaykh Al-Allamah Al-Muhaddith Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

"This issue is one of ijtihad and deduction, with no specific text on it, meaning that when the latecomer (masbuk) finishes with the imam, what should he do?

Should he stay in his place without a sutrah while the sutrah is far from him, or should he seek a new sutrah for himself?

If the latecomer, when the imam concludes with salam, stands to complete what he missed and if he is close to the sutrah, he should move towards it....

However, this issue depends on the latecomer and his judgment. If he judges that by taking a few steps, he will obtain the sutrah and it will not be said that he is not praying because of excessive walking, as excessive walking invalidates the prayer, then in this case, he takes these steps, and the matter is concluded."

📚Silsilah Al-Huda wan Nur, Tape 273

⭕ **Conclusion: The Strongest Opinion on This Matter:**

It is permissible for a latecomer (masbuk) when the imam finishes the prayer to use someone who is praying or sitting in front of them as a sutrah. If that person leaves their place and the latecomer finds a nearby sutrah, such as a wall, a mosque pillar, or another person who is praying, the latecomer can move a few steps towards it for the benefit of the prayer. However, if there is nothing close by that can be used as a sutrah, the latecomer should complete the prayer in their current state without a sutrah and prevent anyone from passing in front of them.

This opinion is closer to the truth.

🖋️ **Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) said:**

“If a person is behind the imam and has missed some of the prayer, then when the imam finishes the prayer and there is a pillar to the right or left of him, it is permissible for him to move back to the pillar on his right or left if it is close enough to be used as a sutrah.

Similarly, if the pillar is in front of him, he can move forward to it as long as it is not far. Likewise, if it is behind him, he can move back a little. If the pillar is far from him, he should pray in his place and prevent anyone from passing in front of him to the best of his ability."

📚 Reference: Al-Mudawwanah 1/202.

⭕ **It is important to note that the benefit of having a sutrah in front of one or moving towards it is:**

The sutrah prevents people from passing in front of the person praying and helps the person to maintain concentration in their prayer movements.

Based on what Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“When one of you prays, let him pray facing a sutrah and let him get close to it and not allow anyone to pass in front of him.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:

“Let one of you use a sutrah in his prayer even if it is only an arrow.”

This applies to both obligatory and voluntary prayers.

The purpose of the sutrah is:

To shield the worshipper's vision from what is behind it, to help focus the mind and prevent distraction, and to prevent people from passing in front and committing a sin.

📚 Reference: Al-Mausu'ah Al-Fiqhiyyah 24/177.

⭕ **What is the evidence for allowing someone to walk a few steps to get closer to a sutrah or find a new sutrah in the middle of the prayer?**

From Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him):

“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was praying when a sheep passed in front of him. He moved forward towards the qiblah to get ahead of the sheep until he pressed his stomach against the qiblah.” (Sahih Hadith narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said, narrated by Abdullah bin Amr:

“We descended with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) from the mountain pass of Adhakhir. The prayer time came, and he prayed towards a wall, making it his qiblah. We were behind him, and a sheep tried to pass in front of him. He kept moving forward to block it until he pressed his stomach against the wall, and the sheep passed behind him.” (HR Abu Dawud no. 708 and Al-Bayhaqi, authenticated by Al-Allamah Al-Albani).

🖋️ **Shaykhuna Al-Faqih Abu Hamzah Hasan Basy Syu'aib (may Allah protect him) said:**

“The action of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when he moved towards the wall to prevent a sheep from passing in front of him, pressing his stomach against the wall, and then returning to his position, shows that it is permissible to take a few steps in prayer for its benefit. The same applies to moving a few steps towards a sutrah.”

📚 Completed from his fatwa.

📒 **Question we presented to the scholars of Yemen:**

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Ahsanallahu ilaika Ya Shaykhana,

If a latecomer (masbuk) misses a rak’ah and the imam has finished the prayer, is it permissible for him to walk a few steps towards a nearby sutrah? What should we say to those who argue that a latecomer should not move or take a sutrah during the prayer because there is no evidence for taking a sutrah in the middle of the prayer, only before starting the prayer?

🖋️ **Answer by Shaykhuna Fathul Qadasi (may Allah protect him):**

Wa alaikum assalam warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

If someone is a latecomer, meaning they missed some rak’ahs with the imam, then if the imam has finished the prayer and the latecomer stands to complete it, it is permissible for him to take a step or two towards a sutrah or move to the right, left, or back for a sutrah. There is no harm in this. It has been confirmed that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) moved for the benefit of the prayer. As for the opinion that the sutrah should be taken before starting the prayer, yes, this is for the imam or an individual praying alone. For a follower, the imam’s sutrah suffices. If the imam finishes the prayer and the follower stands to complete it, he becomes an individual prayer and should take a sutrah by moving towards it, as stated by Imam Malik in Al-Mudawwanah.

🖋️ **Shaykhuna Abdurrahman Ash-Shamiry (may Allah protect him) said:**

Wa alaikum assalam warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

It is permissible to take a few steps to take a sutrah. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Do not pray except towards a sutrah.” This applies before or during the prayer.

🖋️ **Answer by Shaykhuna Abdul Ghani Al-Umary (may Allah protect him):**

If the sutrah is close, then yes, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If one of you prays towards a sutrah, let him get close to it.” This is from the Sunnah, as stated by Imam Malik and others.

📚 Completed from his fatwa.

🖋️ **Shaykhuna Al-Faqih Abu Hamzah Hasan Basy Syu'aib (may Allah protect him) said:**

If a latecomer misses a rak’ah and the imam has finished the prayer, is it permissible for him to walk a few steps towards a nearby sutrah?

📩🔸 **Answer:**

Yes, it is prescribed to move towards a sutrah if it is close.

📩🔸 **Answer:**

If there is a nearby sutrah to your right, left, or front, you can walk towards it a few steps. If the sutrah is far, it is not permissible.

📚 Completed from his fatwa.

✍🏻 Compiled by:

Abu Hanan As-Suhaily

4 Dzul Hijjah 1445 - 10 June 2024

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