


Imam Muslim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"It was narrated to us by Abdullah bin Abdur-Rahman bin Bahram Ad-Darimi, he said, Marwan bin Muhammad Ad-Dimashqi narrated to us, Sa'id bin Abdul Aziz narrated to us, from Rabi'ah bin Yazid, from Abu Idris Al-Khaulani, from Abu Dzar, from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,

In the narration from Allah, Blessed and Exalted be He, that He said: 'O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself, and I have made it forbidden among you, so do not oppress one another. O My servants, all of you are astray except those whom I guide, so seek guidance from Me, and I will guide you. O My servants, all of you are hungry except those whom I feed, so seek food from Me, and I will feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except those whom I clothe, so seek clothing from Me, and I will clothe you. O My servants, you sin by day and by night, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness from Me, and I will forgive you. O My servants, you will not harm Me, so as to harm Me, and you will not benefit Me, so as to benefit Me. O My servants, if the first and the last of you, and the human beings and the jinn among you, were to have the heart of the most pious man among you, that would not increase My dominion in anything. O My servants, if the first and the last of you, and the human beings and the jinn among you, were to have the heart of the most wicked man among you, that would not decrease My dominion in anything. O My servants, if the first and the last of you, and the human beings and the jinn among you, were to stand on a single plain and ask of Me, and I were to give every one of them what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, except as much as a needle decreases what is in the ocean when it is dipped into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I account for you and then recompense you for them. So, whoever finds good, let him praise Allah, and whoever finds other than that, let him blame no one but himself.'

Sa'id said: "Abu Idris Al-Khaulani, when narrating this hadith, would sit on his knees."

📚[Sahih Muslim: 2577]

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"Let us consider the needle dipped into the sea; when you pull it out, it does not decrease the sea in the least. This expression is used to emphasize the impossibility of reduction, because the sea's lack of reduction in such a scenario is something well-known, making it impossible for the sea to be reduced by this. Similarly, it is impossible for the dominion of Allah, the Almighty, to decrease if every human and jinn were to stand and ask Allah, and He gave every one of them what they asked for; it would not decrease His dominion in the least.

Do not say: 'Yes, it does not decrease His dominion because it moves from His dominion to His dominion'; because this cannot be the intended meaning; if that were the intended meaning, the statement would be futile and meaningless. But the meaning is: even if this great giving were considered to be out of Allah’s dominion, it would still not decrease His dominion in the least. If the first meaning were intended, then there would be no benefit, as it is well known that if you had ten riyals, and you moved them from the right drawer to the left drawer, and someone said: 'Your wealth has not decreased,' it would be a meaningless statement!

The important thing is that the meaning is: even if what was given to the petitioners was considered outside His dominion, it would not decrease Him, glorified and exalted is He, at all.

The spending of Allah, the Exalted, is not just in the form of money and material possessions that we acquire, but every blessing we have is from Allah, whether it is religious or worldly, even raindrops are part of Allah's spending on us, and grains of plants are also part of Allah's spending.

After this, would anyone say, as the Jews did, upon whom Allah's curses be: {The hand of Allah is chained}?!

No, by Allah! Rather it should be said: Indeed, the hands of Allah, the Almighty, are outstretched with gifts and blessings that cannot be counted.

But if they say: Why did He give to Zaid and not to Amr?

We say: Because Allah, the Exalted, has absolute sovereignty and perfect wisdom; hence He said in response to their objection: {He spends as He wills}. Among people, there are those He gives a lot, some He gives a little, and some He gives moderately, according to what His wisdom dictates. And the one who is given little is not deprived of Allah's bounty and His gifts in other aspects. Allah gave him health, hearing, sight, intellect, and other blessings that cannot be counted. But due to the arrogance and enmity of the Jews, and because they did not absolve Allah from attributes of deficiency, they said: {The hand of Allah is chained}."

📚[Majmu' Fatawa wa Rasail Ibn Uthaymeen, 8/250-251]

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📚[伊本欧赛米尼全集, 8/250-251]

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