The Wisdom Behind Why the Prophet Preferred to Pawn His Armor to a Jew Rather Than to His Companions

 ### The Wisdom Behind Why the Prophet Preferred to Pawn His Armor to a Jew Rather Than to His Companions

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, may Allah have mercy on him, said in his book *Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari*:

> Scholars have said: The wisdom behind the Prophet (peace be upon him) choosing to deal with Jews rather than the wealthy companions could be to demonstrate the permissibility of such transactions, or because the companions at that time did not have surplus food beyond their own needs, or perhaps he feared they would not accept payment or compensation from him and thus did not want to burden them. It is also possible that some among them were able to help more than others but were not informed about this specific need. Thus, those who transmitted this information were not wealthy themselves. And Allah knows best.

[فتح الباري لابن حجر ,5/141]

### Translator's Commentary

The translator comments: Look at how far the Prophet (peace be upon him) was from seeking gifts, donations, or anything similar because he did not want to burden his companions. Moreover, the concept of monthly contributions (iuran bulanan) can be considered an innovation (bid'ah) in da'wah, as it was never practiced by the Prophet or his companions. And Allah knows best.


### Translator

Abu Ibrahim Sa'id bin Salim bin Zainal bin Ya'qub bin Malla al-Makassari al-Baghisi al-Indunisi

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