
Does the correct methodology determine whether a person enters Paradise or Hell? (Je, njia sahihi inaamua kama mtu ataingia Peponi au Motoni?)

 **Question:** Does the correct methodology determine whether a person enters Paradise or Hell?

**Response from Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan, may Allah preserve him:**

**Q:** Does entering Paradise or Hell depend on having the correct methodology?

**A:** Yes, if the methodology is correct, the person will be among the people of Paradise. If he follows the methodology of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the righteous predecessors, he will be among the people of Paradise, by the will of Allah. If he follows the methodology of the misguided, he is threatened with Hell. Thus, the correctness or incorrectness of the methodology determines whether one will enter Paradise or Hell.

["Al-Ajwibatul Mufidah" p. 125]

**Additional Translator’s Note:**

If the correctness or incorrectness of a person's methodology did not affect whether they enter Paradise or Hell, then there would be no benefit in the Prophet's statement:

*"This Ummah will split into seventy-three groups, all of them in Hell except one."*

The companions asked, "Who are they?"

The Prophet replied, *"Those who follow what I am upon today and my companions."* 

(Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi and Al-Hakim).

Also, observe how the Prophet described the Khawarij: despite their prayers, fasting, and Quran recitation surpassing those of the companions, the Prophet still called them *"The dogs of Hellfire,"* because their methodology in religion was wrong, making their abundant worship worthless in the sight of Allah.

And Allah knows best.

**Translated by:**

Abu Hanan As-Suhaily Utsman As Sandakany

25 Rabi' al-Awwal 1441 - 22 November 2019

*From the "Nasihah for Women" group*

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**Swali:** Je, njia sahihi inaamua kama mtu ataingia Peponi au Motoni?

**Jibu kutoka kwa Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan, Allah amuhifadhi:**

**Q:** Je, kuingia Peponi au Motoni kunategemea kuwa na njia sahihi?

**A:** Ndio, ikiwa njia ni sahihi, mtu atakuwa miongoni mwa watu wa Peponi. Ikiwa atafuata njia ya Mtume, amani iwe juu yake, na njia ya watangu wema, atakuwa miongoni mwa watu wa Peponi, kwa idhini ya Allah. Ikiwa atafuata njia ya wapotovu, anatishiwa na Moto. Hivyo, usahihi au ukosefu wa usahihi wa njia unaamua ikiwa mtu ataingia Peponi au Motoni.

["Al-Ajwibatul Mufidah" uk. 125]

**Ufafanuzi wa Mfasiri:**

Ikiwa usahihi au ukosefu wa usahihi wa njia ya mtu haukuathiri kama wataingia Peponi au Motoni, basi hakungekuwa na faida katika kauli ya Mtume:

*"Umma huu utagawanyika katika makundi sabini na tatu, yote yako Motoni isipokuwa moja."*

Maswahaba wakauliza, "Ni akina nani hao?"

Mtume alijibu, *"Wale wanaofuata nilicho nacho leo na maswahaba wangu."* 

(Hadithi iliyosimuliwa na Tirmidhi na Al-Hakim).

Pia, angalia jinsi Mtume alivyoelezea Khawarij: licha ya sala zao, kufunga, na kusoma Quran kuzidi zile za maswahaba, Mtume bado aliwaita *"Mbwa wa Motoni,"* kwa sababu njia yao katika dini ilikuwa mbaya, na kufanya ibada yao nyingi isiyo na thamani mbele ya Allah.

Na Allah anajua zaidi.

**Imetafsiriwa na:**

Abu Hanan As-Suhaily Utsman As Sandakany

25 Rabi' al-Awwal 1441 - 22 Novemba 2019

*Kutoka kundi la "Nasihah kwa Wanawake"*

Fuata NashihatuLinnisa' kwenye TELEGRAM:

Telegram: @ilmui

Twitter X: @kebenaranhanya1


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