
10 Places Where It is Forbidden to Pray, 10 Endroits Où Il est Interdit de Prier

 ### 10 Places Where It is Forbidden to Pray

**A Jurisprudential Benefit by Alallaamah Almuhaddith Alalbani (may Allah have mercy on him)**

**1. Gravesites:**

   - A place where a person is buried.

   - "May Allah curse the Jews and Christians who took the graves of their prophets as places of worship." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

**2. Mosques built over graves:**

   - "When a righteous man among them would die, they would build a mosque over his grave and draw pictures on it. They are the worst of creation in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgment." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

**3. Camel resting and drinking places:**

   - "Pray in the sheep pens and do not pray in camel resting places." (Narrated by Ahmad).

**4. Bathrooms/WCs:**

   - "The whole earth is a mosque except for graves and bathrooms."

**5. Places frequented by devils, such as places of immorality, churches, and markets:**

   - "Abu Huraira reported: We camped with the Prophet (peace be upon him), and did not wake up until the sun had risen. The Prophet said: 'Let each man take the head of his mount, for this is a place where Satan attended us.' Thus, he did not pray there."

**6. Stolen land:**

   - Prayer on stolen land is forbidden by consensus (as reported by An-Nawawi).

**7. Harmful mosques, such as Masjid Dhirar near Quba:**

   - "And those who took a mosque for causing harm, disbelief, and division among the believers and as a station for those who had warred against Allah and His Messenger before." (Quran 9:107).

**8. Places of destruction and punishment:**

   - "Do not enter the dwellings of those who wronged themselves unless you are weeping, lest you suffer what they suffered." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

**9. Elevated places where the imam stands higher than the congregation:**

   - "The Prophet forbade the imam from standing on something higher than the people behind him." (Reported by Ad-Daraqutni and Al-Hakim).

**10. Spaces between pillars where rows of worshipers are formed:**

   - "We prayed behind one of the governors between two pillars and Anas bin Malik retreated. After the prayer, he said: 'We used to avoid this during the time of the Prophet.'" (Reported by Abu Dawud, An-Nasai, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim, and Ahmad).

**Source: Atstsamarotul Mustathob by Alallaamah Alalbani (may Allah have mercy on him).**

[Original Source](

### 10 Places Where It is Forbidden to Pray  **A Jurisprudential Benefit by Alallaamah Almuhaddith Alalbani (may Allah have mercy on him)**  **1. Gravesites:**    - A place where a person is buried.    - "May Allah curse the Jews and Christians who took the graves of their prophets as places of worship." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).  **2. Mosques built over graves:**    - "When a righteous man among them would die, they would build a mosque over his grave and draw pictures on it. They are the worst of creation in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgment." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).  **3. Camel resting and drinking places:**    - "Pray in the sheep pens and do not pray in camel resting places." (Narrated by Ahmad).  **4. Bathrooms/WCs:**    - "The whole earth is a mosque except for graves and bathrooms."  **5. Places frequented by devils, such as places of immorality, churches, and markets:**    - "Abu Huraira reported: We camped with the Prophet (peace be upon him), and did not wake up until the sun had risen. The Prophet said: 'Let each man take the head of his mount, for this is a place where Satan attended us.' Thus, he did not pray there."  **6. Stolen land:**    - Prayer on stolen land is forbidden by consensus (as reported by An-Nawawi).  **7. Harmful mosques, such as Masjid Dhirar near Quba:**    - "And those who took a mosque for causing harm, disbelief, and division among the believers and as a station for those who had warred against Allah and His Messenger before." (Quran 9:107).  **8. Places of destruction and punishment:**    - "Do not enter the dwellings of those who wronged themselves unless you are weeping, lest you suffer what they suffered." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).  **9. Elevated places where the imam stands higher than the congregation:**    - "The Prophet forbade the imam from standing on something higher than the people behind him." (Reported by Ad-Daraqutni and Al-Hakim).  **10. Spaces between pillars where rows of worshipers are formed:**    - "We prayed behind one of the governors between two pillars and Anas bin Malik retreated. After the prayer, he said: 'We used to avoid this during the time of the Prophet.'" (Reported by Abu Dawud, An-Nasai, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim, and Ahmad).  **Source: Atstsamarotul Mustathob by Alallaamah Alalbani (may Allah have mercy on him).**  [Original Source](

### 10 Endroits Où Il est Interdit de Prier

**Un bénéfice jurisprudentiel d'Alallaamah Almuhaddith Alalbani (qu'Allah lui fasse miséricorde)**

**1. Cimetières:**

   - Un endroit où une personne est enterrée.

   - "Qu'Allah maudisse les Juifs et les Chrétiens qui ont pris les tombes de leurs prophètes comme lieux de culte." (Rapporté par Boukhari et Mouslim).

**2. Mosquées construites sur des tombes:**

   - "Quand un homme pieux parmi eux mourait, ils construisaient une mosquée sur sa tombe et dessinaient des images dessus. Ils sont les pires des créatures aux yeux d'Allah le Jour du Jugement." (Rapporté par Boukhari et Mouslim).

**3. Endroits où les chameaux se reposent et boivent:**

   - "Priez dans les enclos des moutons et ne priez pas dans les endroits où les chameaux se reposent." (Narré par Ahmad).

**4. Salles de bain/WC:**

   - "La terre entière est une mosquée sauf les cimetières et les salles de bain."

**5. Endroits fréquentés par les démons, tels que les lieux d'immoralité, les églises et les marchés:**

   - "Abu Huraira a rapporté : Nous avons campé avec le Prophète (paix soit sur lui) et ne nous sommes pas réveillés avant que le soleil ne soit levé. Le Prophète a dit : 'Que chaque homme prenne la tête de sa monture, car c'est un endroit où Satan nous a accompagnés.' Ainsi, il n'y a pas prié."

**6. Terre volée:**

   - La prière sur une terre volée est interdite par consensus (comme rapporté par An-Nawawi).

**7. Mosquées nuisibles, telles que Masjid Dhirar près de Quba:**

   - "Et ceux qui ont pris une mosquée pour causer du tort, de l'incroyance, et de la division parmi les croyants et comme station pour ceux qui ont fait la guerre contre Allah et son Messager auparavant." (Coran 9:107).

**8. Lieux de destruction et de punition:**

   - "N'entrez pas dans les demeures de ceux qui se sont fait du tort, à moins que vous ne pleuriez, de peur que vous ne subissiez ce qu'ils ont subi." (Rapporté par Boukhari et Mouslim).

**9. Endroits élevés où l'imam se tient plus haut que la congrégation:**

   - "Le Prophète a interdit à l'imam de se tenir sur quelque chose de plus haut que les gens derrière lui." (Rapporté par Ad-Daraqutni et Al-Hakim).

**10. Espaces entre les colonnes où les rangées de fidèles se forment:**

   - "Nous avons prié derrière l'un des gouverneurs entre deux colonnes et Anas bin Malik s'est retiré. Après la prière, il a dit : 'Nous évitions cela du temps du Prophète.'" (Rapporté par Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim, et Ahmad).

**Source: Atstsamarotul Mustathob d'Alallaamah Alalbani (qu'Allah lui fasse miséricorde).**

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