For Guardians to Be Cautious of Dayyuths, 监护人须谨防Dayyuths

 ⏳ For Guardians to Be Cautious of Dayyuths

A Dayyuth is the head of a family who does not have jealousy for his family, allowing his wife and children to commit sins and remain in wrongdoing, while he shows no concern or attention towards them, neither commanding good nor forbidding evil.

🖋️ Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

"Dayyuth is the one who does not have ghirah (protective jealousy) for his family; if he sees wrongdoing in his family, he does not denounce it."

📚 Al-Mustadrak 1/211

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, issued a severe warning to the husband or guardian who allows his wife and children to commit sins, as mentioned in the hadith:

“Three will not enter Paradise: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the Dayyuth, and the woman who imitates men.” (Reported by Al-Bayhaqi in Al-Kubra 10/226, Ibn Khuzaymah in At-Tawhid 861/2, authenticated by Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Jami', 3063).

Therefore, it is obligatory for guardians to keep their families away from Allah's punishment, which will befall those they are responsible for in terms of care and education.

🖋️ Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, stated:

"Allah has made it obligatory for a man to have ghirah (protective jealousy) over his family and to protect them from immorality. If he remains silent and does not change that, he is a Dayyuth, about whom the hadith says: 'The Dayyuth will not enter Paradise.' The opposite of the Dayyuth is the one who has protective jealousy for his family."

📚 Jami' al-Masail 477/7

🖋️ Our Shaykh Al-Allamah Yahya Al-Hajury, may Allah protect him, said:

“It is the right of a woman upon her guardian to protect her from Allah’s punishment by keeping her away from what Allah has forbidden.”

📚 Hasydul adillah 'ala anna ikhtilat an_nisa bir_rijal minal fitan, page 2

Abu Hanan As-Suhaily Uthman

12 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1444 - 1/6/2023

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⏳ 监护人须谨防Dayyuths


🖋️ 伊斯兰学者伊本·泰米叶(愿安拉怜悯他)说:


📚 《Al-Mustadrak》1/211


“三种人不得入天堂:忤逆父母者,Dayyuth,以及模仿男人的女人。”(《阿尔·拜哈奇》在《Al-Kubra》10/226中报告,伊本·库扎伊马在《At-Tawhid》861/2中报告,阿尔巴尼在《Sahih Al-Jami'》3063中认证)


🖋️ 伊斯兰学者伊本·泰米叶(愿安拉怜悯他)指出:


📚 《Jami' al-Masail》477/7

🖋️ 我们的谢赫阿尔-阿拉玛·亚哈亚·阿尔-哈朱里(愿安拉保护他)说:


📚 《Hasydul adillah 'ala anna ikhtilat an_nisa bir_rijal minal fitan》第2页


1444年杜尔·凯达月12日 - 2023年6月1日


Telegram: @ilmui,


